GPScanID 100
0720 GPScanID 100-600mm Antenna 720px
Innovative RFID Equipment Maker
GPScanID is dedicated to bringing technology to the industry. We specialize in building equipment for the livestock identification market.

The GPScanID 100 RFID reader is our first product. It is built specifically for livestock identification with our unique detachable antenna and GPS tracking capability.

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About Us

In an effort to control disease and minimize food incidents, there is a growing importance in livestock traceability. Many countries are already enforcing livestock traceability a mandatory requirement.

GPScanID is founded on the basis of our passion in the livestock identification industry. Our mission is to bring technology to improve efficiency of the industry. We branded our company and products GPScanID which stands for GPS enabled scanner for livestock IDentification. We envision GPS location tracking is the emerging technology in livestock identification. Hence, mandating GPS in all our products.

Our team comes with extensive experience in the livestock identification industry. We are confident our passion and technical expertise will deliver the right solutions for you.


GPScanID 100 RFID Reader